Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Inverse Equal Slog topped by a Japanese Bath House

I left Hanmer Springs, a hotbed of tourist activity, and headed into the wind. I must be developing an ole' timer sense of predicting the weather, and I forecast it to rain. As I slogged uphill all day, the rain fell as well as the temperature. At the top of Lewis Pass, I buckled up for the 6km descent to a japanese style bath house. I could barely pay for the access as my hands were frozen in place.

After a beautiful bath in ungodly hot water I camped with a Tasmanian guy and we ate some pasta. The next day was the polar opposite. I enjoyed unexpected 10 km downhill runs, a massive tailwind and a shining sun to dry my sopping socks and bathing suit.

I've determined biking reflects life, as you will win some and lose some, but as long as you are smiling there isn't anything to worry about.

1 comment:

Padgett Hoke said...

Hey bland-daddy...I love reading your little entrys they make me smile. We leave for San Diego tomorrow and it will be very sad not to have you there for thanksgiving...find someplace fabulous to enjoy some stuffing and turkey on Thursday! Miss you, Your time there I bet is flying by, have fun and stay warm and oh so safe!

love you!