Savita is an eco community of a few like minded individuals whom devote their energy to the pursuit of purpose. With grand plans for an earthship that challenges the square, the architectural feat will be home to many flowing curves and well thought out areas.

In the midst of the activity, the Gubbs showed up on their travels as a Targa Rally finish timing crew. I joined them for a morning of timing rally cars as they sped past the finish line. All this was at the base of Mt. Taranaki, and a good day to see the mountain. Bonus Fact: Mt. Taranaki recieves around 7000 mm of rain anually so a good day is a great day!

My primariy occupation at Savita was designing tire stairways and retaining walls. This activity was carried out with the help of 3 other Wwoofers, one named Shun from Tokyo, and a french couple named Rhenaud and Angel. The 'stairway to heaven' is a full 20 steps tall, and consumed about 250 tires. Its a good thing tires are a abundant natural resource of the 21st century...

A memorable moment will be the gorse burn. Gorse is a hedge plant from Scottland that was imported as a cheap hedge. It spread everywhere in New Zealand, and soon the prickly, ugly downright nasty plant covered many hillsides instead of native bush.
The night started with a chant in the meditation temple, afterwhich we equipped ourselves with diesel torches. Atop a hill the torches were lit and 5 of us proceeded to burn as much gorse as possible. Soon enough we were feverishly scampering through goat paths with the flames licking at our heels. It was a task for pyro-oriented tire-obsessed mates pursuing purpose in a community of like minded individuals.