After some careful but militant calling, these lamp posts were officially borrowed from Alfred State College. It is a beautiful thing when large scale work is made for free. This will hopefully be the focus and scope of future work, for what is better than not paying for something that others don't pay for. Art shouldn't be about commodity or fashion. Experience is the strongest memory.

What would you do with 45 fifteen footers and around 60 25 footers? Iterations include giant wheels, a landscape, wind mills, blades for wind mills, stilts, bird nest poles, and recently the yellow jelly sling shot....ha just kidding

Eventually, the project will get out of hand and draw in people from disparate realms to collaborate on something way out of their league....wait, this is now and engineers and artists are coming together to develop alternative wind energy to fuel motion detecting lights for the individual arches, providing a most interesting experience walking through the tunnel....hmmm